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The Boston Leadership Forum is comprised of downtown Boston-based men who seek to integrate their faith in God into their professional work, family life and social relationships in a natural manner. This isn’t a prayer group or a support group or anything of that sort. We host a breakfast series in which we bring in speakers from all over the country and purposefully aim to present interesting topics across a very wide spectrum of American and global culture in the 21st century with the aim to affirm men in their professional work. For many of us, the breakfast series recalls college lectures when admittedly we should have been paying closer attention. This time around though, it isn’t for academic grades; rather it is for something far more important: reminding us what life is all about. For some of us, that reminder may serve to help us realize where we need to make small adjustments in order to get certain aspects of our lives back on track; for others, the reminder validates that there are other men out there who want what we want: a good family life, rewarding professional work, and friendships built on confidence and trust. And all of this consistent with our faith in God.

We have been hosting these breakfasts since 1999. The spectrum of topics has been very wide indeed as you will see from the listing you can find on our Past Speakers page. The underlying theme of all these talks is the struggle for excellence in one’s professional and personal life can manifest itself in any number of different ways.

A second theme is the importance of balancing professional work with other responsibilities. We all know the attraction of professional success, and it is undeniably a positive good for the most part. However, if it is not balanced with personal obligations we owe to our families and communities, it can leave a man hollow in his inner life of the spirit. Many people pay lip service to such platitudes; we try to provide practical ways to achieve such balance – and importantly not at the cost of one’s career success.

A third theme that the breakfast gatherings address is the profound need in our culture for opportunities to form genuine friendships. No one at our breakfast series attends so that they can hand out business cards. A centerpiece of the breakfast get-togethers is just that: a light breakfast with friends or acquaintances – or even better with people that you have never met – without any ulterior motive. We simply try to get to know them as persons. If you think about it, that outlet to form sincere friendships is not easily available to hard-working men outside the context of juvenile entertainment - or even worse.

So we invite you to wander through this website, talk to friends who have attended our breakfast series in the past, and then join us for the next event. We are confident that this small commitment on your part will be rewarded in small, perhaps subtle, insights on how to live a better life. And if you are a regular attendee, over time the aggregation of these small insights can make a real difference. We hope to see you at our next event. Go to the “Speakers” page to find out when that next event will take place. Or if you prefer, send one of us an e-mail and we can tell you more about the Boston Leadership Forum.

Contact: Tim Casey or Peter Buckley

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